Your Candidates Need Campaign Training Now

As candidates begin passing petitions to get on the ballot, this election season kicks into high gear. These candidates will be making key campaign decisions now that can determine their ability to win 14 months from now. And, in many cases, they are making these decisions with very little experience or input.

This is where party organizations can be a resource to Republican candidates by hosting campaign trainings. Running for office is one of the most intimidating and challenging experiences a person will undertake, especially for first time candidates, and they need this help.

Our founder, Collin Corbett, has hosted hundreds of candidate trainings across the country. He and Abby Oliver, Cor’s political expert who works directly with organizations, share why this should be done now, not next summer, and give insights on the best way to provide these trainings.

Reach out if you’re looking for help, we’ll be happy to help you get a training on the books in your region so you can equip your candidates for success!

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