If your candidates don’t make the ballot, what happens next November?

The absolute worst thing that can happen is giving Democrats a free pass in 2024 because Republican challengers didn’t make it on the ballot.

We see it happen every cycle, and we’re already seeing warning signs for 2024. Just over the past few weeks, we saw the petitions for 3 different Republican candidates that had fatal flaws that could have gotten them knocked off the ballot. They’re now re-circulating with corrected petitions. We’ve talked to a number of other candidates who are really struggling to get the signatures they need.

Democrats will be scouring every Republican candidate’s petition to see who they can knock off the ballot. We cannot give them that opportunity. That’s where your organization can help.

WATCH Collin Corbett and Matthew Duray discuss how organizations can help their candidates get on the ballot.

USE THIS: Our one-page instruction sheet includes tips for both circulators and signers. Download it for free here. You’re welcome to put your logo in place of ours—we’re not looking for credit, we just want to help!

If we can help your organization in any way, including reviewing your candidates’ paperwork or connecting you with election attorneys, reach out to us and we’ll be happy to help.

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